New Writing and Publication Opportunity! My Mother’s Story: GENERATIONS

New Writing and Publication Opportunity! My Mother’s Story: GENERATIONS


Are you fascinated by your family tree and/or are a genealogy buff?

Are you curious about how to document the extraordinary details of ordinary people’s lives?

Have you started writing a family member’s story but are not sure how to finish it/what to do with it?

Is becoming a published author on your bucket list?


If your answer is YES to any of these questions…
the My Mother’s Story GENERATIONS project might be for you!



My Mother’s Story and the Mothership Stories Society was founded in 2004 by Vancouver actor, writer, and story editor Marilyn Norry, with a vision to document the extraordinary lives of ordinary women – one story at a time.  Marilyn’s vision has manifest in an online MMS archive, stage productions, and three published anthologies (so far). Mother stories are wildly different and diverse, however all must follow the same recipe:

“Write the story of your mother’s life – just the facts – from beginning to end [or to today if she is still with us], in less than 2,000 words, where you are just a footnote.”

The third book in the series – Gone Too Soon – was the result of Marilyn’s trust in me with her time-honoured template. After writing “The Story of Florence” in 2015, my personal healing experience acted as the desire to replicate these ‘results’ and was the catalyst to propose a new themed collection surrounding early mother loss, bound together with the new concept of including author reflections alongside each mother story.  In addition to being a contributing author to Gone Too Soon, I designed and counsellor-facilitated the expressive writing workshops and co-edited the anthology.

GENERATIONS is the proposed 4th anthology in the MMS collection was borne from the idea that the number one thing Marilyn and I have heard about stories written using My Mother’s Story format is “I want to hear more!”.  People are incredibly drawn into these real-life stories, and the 2,000 word count limit means some story elements provide a mere taste of a life lived. GENERATIONS represents an opportunity for authors to write more and for readers to learn more!  Plus, exploring genealogy, family trees and intergenerational themes is very en-vogue right now! So why not expand and explore!?


What do existing stories look like?  Learn more about the project and check out the My Mother’s Story online Archive here. 
MMS Antologies 1 through 3 – My Mother’s Story: The Originals, My Mother’s Story: North Vancouver, and My Mother’s Story: Gone Too Soon – are all available on Amazon.

Each ‘GENERATIONS story’ will consist of a pairing of two stories (so that’s two, 2,000 word stories for a total of 4,000 words MAX). The foundation of the pair will remain a mother story, and then a second story will go either up or down a generation.  This means either one of her parents or one of her children.  Generations thus has the expansive opportunity to include stories about grandfathers and grandmothers, sisters, brothers, son’s, daughters, nieces, nephews, and can include a second author contributing to the ‘set’.  Consideration for publication in Generations is open to anyone, however those who have already written their mother’s story clearly have a bit of a head start.

How do I participate? Whether you ultimately decide to publish or not, the first thing you must do is indicate your commitment by attending a Generations workshop of your choice to support your process in a community of fellow authors.  Vancouver/lower mainland-based and virtual workshops will be offered by Marilyn and I am delighted to be facilitating one virtual workshop.

Is there a deadline?  To be considered for publication, stories must be submitted to Marilyn Norry by SEPTEMBER 30, 2024.

What happens in the workshops? Each workshop experience consists of 2 elements or modules:

  • Module 1 is a 6-hour instructional workshop, introducing the MMS timeline and ‘recipe’, memory invoking exercises and narrative therapy techniques and time to write
  • Module 2 is a 2-3 hour follow-up workshop, to share experiences and/or story excerpts for group feedback

Module 1: Saturday May 11th from 10am – 4pm and Module 2: Saturday June 1st from 10am to 1pm

Workshop Fee: $260 + GST = $273

Contact Michelle today with questions or to reserve your space and get started on Generations with your workshop prep package!